Sunday, March 18, 2012

A busy weekend

I had an unexpected busy weekend which was really nice for a change. The weekdays are also busy of course, but in a different way. My best day in Martinique so far was yesterday, Saturday. This weekend I'm alone in the big and beautiful house in Le Robert. I do morning swims and sometimes evening swims as well:-). That's how my Saturday took a very relaxed start. Later in the day I wanted to get my hair cut, it's too hot for long hair and unlike in Tanzania there are good hairdressers here who also have experience with white people's hair. Many Martiniquais have spend some years in 'le metropole' (=France). I was the only customer on a Saturday afternoon in a local hairdressing saloon in La Trinité, because it's Lent, and the three girls were very happy to talk to me. I enjoyed spending time with Martiniquaise girls. I have had too many white people around me till now. There are so many beautiful people here, also because they smile a lot and I love smiling people. 
After my warm local experience I was shocked by the cold welcome by the blond French girl at the surf club. I signed up for a group surf class and there were 4 German girls in my group and a dark tanned French surf instructor. I always wanted to try it and I did, but I'm not sure I'll ever do it again:-), maybe when I can get private lessons from a friend. I'm glad I survived:-)! It's just all too fast for me and I can't enjoy the nature around me because the waves are so big and fast that I couldn't do anything else but focusing on not drowning and trying to 'chercher la vague' as Antoine told us, which was impossible the first time. But I'm happy to have tried it at least! 
Two of the German girls were traveling and I offered to give them a ride. We passed through a village where a concert was about to start, so we stopped and had coconut sorbet on the pier and joined the local people and some tourists for a concert of José Versol, a Martinique musician with his group and dancers. It was announced as a spiritual and traditional concert. They sing in French and Creole and the audience was not very big but every single person present was totally absorbed by the music. By the end everybody was holding hands and singing 'Jésus je t'aime!'. We were all dancing, holding hands with old ladies and having so much fun. 

1 comment:

  1. qué bien por ahí! la vida caribeña es un gozor! 1 beso desde Santander!!
